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The Official Web Site of the State of South Carolina

Types of CRCs

Partner Oriented:

Community Relations Councils (CRCs) are encouraged to form a partnership with key local stakeholder(s) that include County/City Councils, Mayors, local Government, City Managers, local Chambers of Commerce and any other appropriate local partners. This partnership can range from a highly active partner that may chair a CRC (e.g., a City Mayor who actively chairs a council) through to a partner that receives an annual briefing (e.g., the local Chamber of Commerce and City Manager who attends an annual meeting to hear advice provided by the CRC).

Partnered councils have a partner(s):
- who support the formation of a council, referred to as the partnership entity(ies) (e.g., the local Chamber of Commerce may initiate and/or support the formation of a council);
- whose involvement in the council ranges from (1) leadership (chair of the council), (2) direct/active involvement (e.g. Chamber of Commerce President is a permanent and active member of the management team), and (3) indirect/non active involvement (e.g., attend presentations, provide facilities to support council meetings and events etc.). This is referred to as the level and type of partnership
- who help establish the operational point of contact with the partner(s), referred to as the point of partnership (e.g., the President of a local Chamber of Commerce may delegate the operational participation of the partner to Chamber operations manager - this role/department becomes the point of partnership)
CRCs can be formed without any formal partnership with County/City Council, local Government and local Chambers of Commerce.

Self-Management Oriented:

CRCs are self-organizing and managing (within the framework provided and supported by the SC Human Affairs Commission and are encouraged to:

(1) secure diverse and representative members that are capable of making a constructive contribution to the activities of the council;

(2) actively seek out local and relevant partners (e.g. City/County Council, local Government, local Chambers of Commerce etc.);

(3) develop a statement of their mission, vision and values that reasonably aligns with the overall mission, vision and values of the South Carolina Human Affairs Commission;

(4) develop a general service provision model from the choices embedded within the flexible/accordion style service provision model developed, offered and supported by the CRC (or any other model that appropriately achieves the mission of the CRC system);

(5) use an organized system of decision making that respects fundamental outcome and process ethics (Roberts Rules is suggested);

(6) set goals, develop plans for achieving those goals, and manage the execution of their plans within their chosen service provision model (with assistance from the Community Relations Division staffers and others where necessary);

(7) keep a reasonable record of their mission, vision, values, membership and activities;

(8) work collaboratively with Community Relations Division staffers and commit to making a reasonable effort to conduct their affairs in accordance with the spirit and provisions of the South Carolina Human Affairs Act (1972);

(9) attempt to send representatives to the annual South Carolina Community Relations Conference.

South Carolina Human Affairs Commission

1026 Sumter Street, Suite 101

Columbia, SC 29201

(803) 737-7800, 711 (Relay)


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